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Alexei Belfer is specialized in soft tissue manual therapy, management of orthopedic, neurological and sports related injuries, postoperative and posttraumatic complications, post stroke rehabilitation.


The Greatest Buddhist and Spiritual Teacher of contemporary China, Hong Kong and Taiwan Master Nan Huai-Chin many times has honored Mr. Belfer with His Audience in Taihu Great Learning Center located in Miaogang, near Suzhou. Master Nan became Alexei's patient and gave him the confirmation of enlightenment and new Chinese name: 裴 爾 福 醫 師 - Master of Medicine, who brings Blessing/Fortune – the highest award ever given to Western medical professional!


Founder of BALM TherapyBalancing, Alignment and Longevity Method.


In 1989, the first time in the history of Ukraine, Soviet Union, Alexei Belfer, without medical degree, received a formal authorization by The State Department of Public Health to work as a bioenergy and manual therapist in Chernovtsy Regional Railway Hospital.
Over the years 1989-1991 by the statistical data of the Department of Public Health, Alexei Belfer has cured more than 4000 patients.

Membership in professional associations:
• Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
• American Polarity Therapy Association
• American Medical Massage Therapy Association
Professional licenses:

Licensed as Massage, Bodywork and Somatic Therapist in New York and New Jersey
BLS&AED Certified as HCP by American Heart Association


Formal Education:


Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, Tyumen Industrial Institute, Tyumen City, Russia 1976

Complimentary education:

1. Manual Therapy Training Course – Kurgan Scientific Research Institute for Experimental and Clinical Orthopedics and Traumatology (G.A. Ilizarov), Kurgan, Russia, 1977
2. Medical Massage Therapy – Regional Clinical Hospital, Chernivtsi City, Ukraine, 1979
3. Medical Massage Instructor Post-professional Training Course - Regional Department of Public Health, Chernivtsi City, Ukraine, 1984
4. Contactless/Energy Massage Training Course – Scientific Center of Innovative Methods of healing «JUNA», Moscow, Russia, 1989
5. Kyungrak System and Theory of Sanal, Kim Bong-Han Course – Kyungrak Training Center, Wonsan, North Korea, 1990.
6. Chi-Kung/Qi Gong Training Course – Academy of Social Science, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, 1990.
7. Herbal Medicine Course – The Institute of Phytotherapy, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1991.
8. Industrial Health and Safety Management Course, the College Of Staten Island, CUNY, Staten Island, New York, 1994.
9. Polarity Therapy – Academy of Natural Healing, New York, New York, 1998.
10. Myoskeletal Therapy Training Course – Freedom from Pain Institute, Oklahoma City, OK, 2006.
11. Neuromuscular Therapy & Advanced Deep Tissue Training Course – Institute for Integrative Healthcare Studies, Montgomery, New York, 2010.
12. Massage and Manual Therapy for Orthopedic Conditions, Orthopedic Assessment Course – The Institute for Integrative Healthcare Studies, Montgomery, New York, 2012.

13. Therapists Guide to Proper Body Mechanics – Center for Massage Therapy Continuing Education, Elk Point, South Dakota, 2015.

14. Orthopedic Massage – The Institute for Integrative Healthcare Studies, Montgomery, New York, 2018.

15. Positional Release Technique – The Institute for Integrative Healthcare Studies, Montgomery, New York, 2018.

16. Fibromyalgia Syndrome - CE Broker, Florida, 2021.

17. Pain Management - CE Broker, Florida, 2021.

18. TMJ Disorders, CE National, Tampa, FL, 2022.

19. Massage Modalities A-Z, CE National, Tampa, FL, 2022

20. NJ Laws and Rules, Pro-Ethics, CE National, 2022


BALM Therapy incorporates Energy and Orthopedic Assessment (energy diagnostics, soft tissue and bony palpation; range of motion assessment; evaluation of structural and postural asymmetry and tissue texture; identification of hidden energy blocks and other abnormalities), Myoskeletal Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy & Advanced Deep Tissue Massage, Polarity Therapy, Manual Therapy, Phytotherapy, Massage, Bodywork and Somatic Therapy, Kenruck, Chi-Kung, Acupressure and much more.
«BALM» is safe noninvasive holistic therapy. It has no side effects and contraindications, because it doesn’t utilize any pharmaceutical and/or chemical products, risky high velocity thrusts, invasive acupuncture needles, steroid and other injections, painkillers. 

"BALM" for the Soul and Body

When the ancients were sick, they walked among trees and plants, swam in the lake or river and breathed the fresh air to soothe their pain.
Then came the discovery of penicillin, chemotherapy, laser beams. High-tech medicine buried the nature under high-rise hospitals with sealed windows for a pretty long time.
But now there's a holistic real medicine afoot to return nature to the lives of patients. It’s completely natural, hands-on therapy - «BALM»!
If you want:

  • Peak performance, stable framework, faster results, a safer workout, and quicker recovery from injury;

  • Higher attention potential, better concentration, improved ergonomics, better posture and improved physical coordination;

  • Suffer less from headaches, neck, shoulder, TMJ, CTS and other problems;

  • To have more energy, mobility and to help prevent osteoporosis;

  • Comfortable pregnancy, easier delivery, and a healthier baby;

  • Your children to experience a more comfortable growth as they enter adulthood;

Then «BALM» is the best choice for you!

«BALM» is safe noninvasive holistic therapy. It has no side effects and contraindications, because it doesn’t utilize any pharmaceutical and/or chemical products, risky chiropractic/osteopathic high velocity thrusts, invasive acupuncture needles, steroid and other injections, painkillers. 

«BALM» is the most effective and complete treatment of muscular and skeletal problems available today. It provides whole body (energy and physical) treatment from the fingertips to the toes, full restructuring of the musculoskeletal system through soft tissue manipulation, gentle pressure and touch.

«BALM» utilizes “Extrasensory Energy Exchange” technique for contactless diagnostics, fingertips palpation, biomechanical examination and structural assessment to locate and remove energy blocks, abnormalities of structure and function.
«BALM» offers a disease control by finding deviations in energy pulses and energy patterns in the body. Changes in energy patterns and the shape of human energy field then used to map the way diseases alter these patterns and discover the problems on an energetic level before it manifests on a physical level.
«BALM» Therapy incorporates Energy and Physical Assessment (energy diagnostics, soft tissue and bony palpation; range of motion assessment; evaluation of structural and postural asymmetry and tissue texture; identification of hidden energy blocks and other abnormalities), Myoskeletal Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Manual Therapy, Phytotherapy, Massage, Bodywork and Somatic Therapy, Kyungrak, Chi-Kung, Acupressure and much more.

«BALM» restores healthy structure and function of the patient, promoting the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
«BALM» is ideal for releasing muscle tightness that causes stiffness, headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain and fatigue. Muscle tightness not only fatigues the muscles which can increase stress levels, but also develops tight "knots", which cause continued tightness, stiffness and pain. When muscles are stressed, they block oxygen and nutrients, leading to inflammation that builds up toxins in the muscle tissue. Through gentle and progressively deep outer muscle fibers relaxation, stretching and holding, all tensions will be released leaving you feeling relaxed and revitalized.
«BALM» is the most effective therapy for any musculoskeletal problems, especially for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal tunnel release is currently one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States. BALM completely eliminates the need of surgery. No endoscopic, open release and often recurring surgeries, no scars, no long recovery or side effects, such as wrist strength losses, infections, nerve damage, stiffness, and pain at the scar.
Benefits of «BALM»:

  • Chronic pain is greatly reduced or fully alleviated, and movement becomes more fluid and flexible.

  • Imbalances are removed in the connective tissues using fascia release and soft tissue manipulation and correct posture is regained

  • Supreme alignment of the body is obtained due to full body realignment technique.

  • Balance between the energy fields of the body and its physical structure, as well as balance between the body and the nature are improved or fully restored.

«BALM» Therapy – it’s a balm to your body and soul!



Sundays 9:30a.m.-2:30p.m.

Mondays-Thursday 9:30a.m-7:00p.m.

Fridays 9:30a.m.-5:00p.m.

By appointment only.




330 Mockingbird Lane, Morganville, NJ 07751


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